Articles, Conferences
2023: Balestravou, E., & Pavlis Korres, M. The expectations of the learners in lifelong learning programs provided by Lifelong Learning Centers in Greece. European Journal of Education Studies, 10(5), 145-162. DOI: 10.46827/ejes.v10i5.4787
2022: Pavlis Korres, M. SMS in the auditorium: Exploiting students’ digital skills to develop horizontal skills. Roundtable presentation at the 7th Conference “Skill Development in Adult Education and School Education”, May 5-8, 2022, Hellenic Adult Education Association (EEEE). (in Greek).
2022: Kokkonos, A., Travlos, A., Antonopoulou, P., & Korres Pavlis, M. Approaching leadership and its practices in the modern digital age, from a distributed perspective. In the Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Promotion of Educational Innovation, Larissa, October 14-16, 2022. Larissa-Greece. EEPEK (in Greek).
2022: Kanakaris, V., & Pavlis Korres, M. (2022). Impact of using Smartphones on Older women’s everyday life after their participation in a blended educational program using FB Room Platform. In Y. Aliyeva (ed.) Abstract Book XII. International Conference on Social Research and Behavioral Sciences, November 12-13, 2022, Antalya/Turkey (p. 8).
2022: Konstantinou, A., Papakonstantinou, F., & Pavlis Korres, M. Strengthening the active citizenship of Roma women through their participation in the ROMA POLITICAL SCHOOL in Greece. European Journal of Social Sciences Studies, 7(5), 1-20. DOI:
2022: Chantziantoniou, A., Bousiou, O., & Pavlis Korres, M. Investigation of the educational needs of civil servants during the period of health crisis Covid_19. The case study of the Single Payment Authority to improve its functioning. European Journal of Education Studies. European Journal of Education Studies, 9(5), 100-130. DOI:
2022: Pavlis Korres, M. Participation of University Students in Non-Formal Lifelong Learning Programs: Types of Programs, Reasons for Participation and the Importance of Learning Outcomes in their Student, Professional, Personal, and Social Life. European Journal of Education Studies, 9(2), 48-61. DOI: http://10.46827/ejes.v9i2.4142
2022: Kanakaris, V., & Pavlis-Korres, M. Older Women’s Views on their Participation in a Blended Educational Program Using FB Room Platform. European Journal of Open Education and E-learning Studies, 7(1). DOI: 10.46827/ejoe.v7i1.4175
2022: Pavlis Korres, M. Facilitating learning and promoting active participation and interaction in online university courses during the Covid 19 era: Views of AUTH undergraduate students. Διεθνές Συνέδριο για την Ανοικτή & εξ Αποστάσεως Εκπαίδευση, 11, 123-136.
2022: Pavlis Korres, M. Integrating Evaluation as a Componential Element in the Development of the Course: The Case of Two Courses in the Faculty of Education (AUTH) during the Pandemic. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 10(1), 51-58.
2021: Bechlivani, S., & Pavlis Korres, M. Local Bodies’ Educational Programs and Actions to Raise Environmental Awareness of Climate Change in the Prefecture of Larissa in Greece. European Journal of Education Studies, 8(12), 108-129. DOI: http://10.46827/ejes.v8i12.4015
2021: Bechlivani, S., & Pavlis Korres, M. Design and implementation of environmental actions and programs for the climate change in the prefecture of Lasissa. Presentation at the 7th Conference for the Promotion of Educational Innovation, Larissa, 15, 16 & 17 October 2021.
2021: .Papakonstantinou, Th., Pavlis Korres, M., & Ladopoulos, D.A. Views of Roma women on their empowerment and education through the “Erasmus + Nefeli” non-formal education program. Presentation at the 7th Conference for the Promotion of Educational Innovation, Larissa, 15, 16 & 17 October 2021.
2020: Efstathiou, I., Pavlis Korres, M., Lefteriotou, P., Georgiou A., Marmarinos, K., & Assimellis, E. Exploitation of Information and Communication Technology in teaching. Νέος Παιδαγωγός online, 21, 116-123. ISSN: 2241-6781
2020: Pavlis Korres, M., Karalis, Th., Tzovla, E., & Tsikrikoni, Ch. University Pedagogy: Theoretical approaches, practical applications and institutional prerequisites. In the proceedings of the 1st Panhellenic Conference of University Pedagogy: Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, April 12-13, 2019, Alexandroupolis, Greece. Available
2019: Pavlis Korres, M. Political choices on education. The development of political thinking through the educational process. Presentation in the 2nd Seminar “Roma Political Schools in Greece”, November 29th – December 1rst, Council of Europe in cooperation with A.I.D., Thessaloniki, Greece.
2019: Nikolopoulou, V., & Pavlis Korres, M. Ε-learning, Pilot Project of General Secretariat of Vocational Training, Education and Lifelong Learning “Train the adult educators”. Presentation in one day event “Upgrading adults’ skills: learning paths and flexible courses”, November 19, Ministry of Education, Athens.
2018: Papalexandris, S., Anastasiadou, S., Bonvin, R., Leftheriotou, P., & Pavlis-Korres, M. Transfer Of Learning In Medical Education. The Case Of The Postgraduate Course Advanced Trauma Life Support – ATLS. Poster Presentation at the 19th EFORT Congress in Barcelona, Spain, (May 30 – June 1, 2018).
2018: Alexandros Chavdoulas, Maria Pavlis Korres, Piera Leftheriotou. The importance of asynchronous interaction between MOOC learners. In F. Gousias (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th Conference “New Pedagogue”, Athens 28 & 29 April, 2018 (pp. 2071-2079). ISBN: 978-618-82301-4-9.
2018: Piera Leftheriotou, Maria Pavlis Korres. Education in prison: perspectives and considerations. One day meeting “Education in prison”, Larissa 2nd Second Chance School and Vice Majorship of Social Policy, February 22.
2017: Pavlis-Korres, M. The Positive Effect of Evaluation on Improving E-Learning Courses Addressed to Adults: A Case Study on the Evolution of GSLLLY Courses in Greece over a Decade. Journal of Education and Training Studies. Vol 5 (1), 1-11. Available here
2016: Tourtouras, C., Pavlis-Korres, M., and Kyridis, A. The School Career and the Educational Exclusion of the Roma Children in Greece. Journal of Sociological Research, Vol 7 (1), 10-32. Available here
2015: Pavlis-Korres, M., & Nikolopoulou, V. Designing e-LLC, responding to contemporary requests. In Conference Proceedings,”Lifelong Learning and Modern Society: Local Government, Education, Labour”, University of Macedonia. (in Greek, in publish).
2015: Papadopoulou, E., Pavlis Korres, M. Investigation of the communication between educator and learners in e-Centers for Lifelong Learning (e-KDVM). In Conference Proceedings “1st Panhellenic Conference on the Promotion of Educational Innovation”, Larisa 23-25 October, 2015, Volume A’, (pp. 355-365).
2015: Argyris Kyridis, Anastasia Christodoulou, Ifigeneia Vamvakidou & Maria Pavlis-Korres. Fighting corruption. Values education and social pedagogy in Greece in the middle of the crisis. International Journal of Social Pedagogy. Special Issue “Social Pedagogy in Times of Crisis in Greece” 4 (1), 24-42. Available here
2015: Pavlis Korres, M. Participation in round table on “e-KDVM: e-Centers for Lifelong Learning” during the Conference “Lifelong Learning and Modern Society: Local Government, Education, Labour”, 27-28 June, University of Macedonia.
2014: Leftheriotou Piera, Pavlis-Korres Maria. “General Adult Education Programs by the General Secretariat of Lifelong Learning: past, present and future” in Conference “Lifelong Learning and Vulneralbe Social Groups”, Faculty of Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 30-31 May 2014.
2014: Argyris Kyridis, Maria Avramidou, Christos Zagkos, Anastasia Christodoulou, Maria Pavli-Korre. “Who is the ideal teacher? Greek pre-service teachers express their views about the characteristics of the “perfect” teacher”. Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers. Available at
2014: Pavlis-Korres, M. Roma and the greek educational system (Ότι μαθαίνει ο άνθρωπος κανείς δεν μπορεί να του το πάρει – Σο σικλόλ ο μανούς γκονίκ ναστί λέλες λέσταρ: οι Ρομά και το ελληνικό εκπαιδευτικό σύστημα)», in Conference Proceedings “Children Age: Sociological, Cultural, Historical and Paedagogical Dimensions”. Εργαστήριο Κοινωνικών Επιστημών, Research Center “Childhoods.Societies” Wuppertal University, Παιδαγωγική Εταιρεία Ελλάδος, Ελληνική Κοινωνιολογική Εταιρεία,European Sociological Association, Childhood Stream (pp. 129-135).
2013: Interview with the Secretary General for Lifelong Learning, Eleni, Karantzola. Nikolopoulou, V., & Pavlis-Korres, M. Activities of the General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning. Adult Education, 28, 42-48.
2012: Pavlis-Korres, M. The role of the communication tools in the learning group development in an online environment. Special Issue of the IJEE (International Journal of Engineering Education), vol.28,n.6, 1360-1365.
2012: Chatzichristou, Ch., Pavlis-Korres, M., Kyrdi, K.: Parents’ Schools: Perspectives and new topics (Σχολές Γονέων: Προοπτικές και νέα θεματολογία), in Conference Proceedings “2nd Panhellenic Conference of Parents’ Schools”, titled “Family’s Lifefong Learning” (Η οικογένεια εκπαιδεύεται…διά βίου)», 10-12/11/2012, INEDIVIM.
2010: Pavlis-Korres, Μ., Leftheriotou, P., Karalis, Th. & García Barriocanal, Ε. Needs Assessment of the Educators of Roma in Greece in order to improve their compatibility with Roma learners, The Journal of Multiculturalism in Education, Volume 6 (2010), Number 3, available here
2009: Pavlis-Korres, M. On the requirements of Learning Object Metadata for adults’ educators of special groups. In Conference Proceedings “Metadata and Semantics”, (pp. 123-134). Springer.
2009: Pavlis-Korres, M., Karalis, Th., Leftheriotou, P., & García Barriocanal, E. Integrating Adults’ Characteristics and the Requirements for their Effective Learning in an e-Learning Environment. In M. Lytras, Best Practices for the Knowledge Society. WSKS, (pp.570-584) . Springer.
2008: Pavlis-Korres, M., & García Barriocanal, E. Development of personalized learning objects for training adult educators of special groups. Journal of Knowledge Management 12(6). Emerald Group Publishing.
2008: Pavlis-Korres, M., García Barriocanal, E., & Leftheriotou, P. (2008). A survey on Learning Profiles of the Educators of Roma in Greece in Order to Develop the Appropriate e-Learning Environment for their Training. In M. Lytras, The Open Knowledge Society: A Computer Science and Information Systems Manifesto (Communications in Computer and Information Science), WSKS 2008, (pp. 360-370). Springer.
2000: Pavlis-Korres, M. “Final results of the the research-study Financial, Social and Cultural Situation of Roma in Greece (Τελικά συμπεράσματα της έρευνας-μελέτης «Οικονομική, Κοινωνική, Πολιτισμική κατάσταση των Τσιγγάνων στην Ελλάδα»)”, in Conference Proceedings “The role of local goverment in education of Roma (O ρόλος της Τοπικής Αυτοδιοίκησης στην Εκπαίδευση των Τσιγγάνων)», (pp.68-74), GGLE, Athens.
1997: Pavlis-Korres, M. «Educational material for gypsy children (Διδακτικό υλικό για τσιγγανόπαιδα)» in Conferecne Proceedings “Education of Roma, Development of Educational Material” (Εκπαίδευση Τσιγγάνων, Ανάπτυξη Διδακτικού υλικού», (pp. 210-214), GGLE, Athens.
1991: Pavlis-Korres, M. «Gypsy Women (Τσιγγάνες Γυναίκες)», Interscientific Review (Διεπιστημονική Επιθεώρηση), 3, June, Athens.